Hospitality for Hope 2024

Hospitality for Hope 2024Support the Strongsville Rotary Foundation at Rosewood Grill Strongsville throughout November! ![]() Join us at Rosewood Grill Strongsville this November for "Hospitality for Hope". Every Sunday this November, enjoy a special 3-course meal and know that half of your dinner proceeds will go toward supporting the Strongsville Rotary. Together, we can make a difference for those in need in Northeast Ohio. Check out the menu. |
StrongFest 2024StrongFest is Coming!![]() Join us on Saturday September 28th from 2-7pm at for an afternoon sampling from over 50 varieties of beer, wine & spirits, with live entertainment, food trucks, raffles, door prizes and more! Visit for tickets and more info. |
Supporting Save A Warrior![]() Save A Warrior believes in challenging conventional thinking. The way they challenge the idea of suicide is so novel and so inspiring, it connects the lives of all who are transformed from sharing in this experience. |
Strongsville Rotary Foundation ScholarshipsThe Strongsville Rotary Foundation will award several college scholarships to high school seniors who live in Strongsville. One is reserved for a parochial student and one is reserved for a Polaris student.
Applications are available in the High School Guidance office or download the Scholarship Application form here. Applications must be RECEIVED by Rotary by Friday, April 1 2024 to be considered. Mailing instructions are on the applications. |
Hospitality Restaurants DonationGeorge Schindler and Chris Kneeland of Hospitality Restaurants visited this morning to present a check to Strongsville Rotary Foundation president Ashley Gay from the fundraiser held at Rosewood Grill Strongsville to celebrate their reopening last month after renovations. The funds are earmarked towards the Strongsville Town Center Enhancement and Walkability project. ![]() |
Town Center Groundbreaking![]() |
Duck Race Results 2022At the meeting on August 5th the Rotary Club of Strongsville presented checks to the beneficiaries of the Strongsville Kids Fest and Duck Race held on June 4th. Duck Race chair Rick Weiser and Club President Ashley Gay presented the checks. In addition checks were mailed out to our partnering organizations who helped us sell ducks: Boy Scout Troop 701, Berea Animal Rescue Fund, Crooked River Longhouse and Brady's K-9 Fund. Thanks to everyone who participated and helped! ![]() ![]() |
Ukraine Update June![]() Pictures from the transfer of one of them are included. It was also specially prepared by us - it is painted in a different color than traditional ambulances, due to the fact that the average life of an ambulance in Ukraine is one week - Russian soldiers have priority to destroy all kinds of medical equipment. The second car will be ready in days and handed over ASAP. Therefore, the Rotary Club Kraków decided to continue the project and collect funds for further purchases of ambulances for Ukraine. In addition, our contact at Rotary Club Kraków and his wife have made their whole house (in our private house) available for refugees and at the moment we are hosting 7 people and we are waiting for another 2 to arrive in the coming days. Another project implemented by our club is the service of refugees by doctors with whom we cooperate on a daily basis (they run a non-profit clinic for the homeless). If a refugee does not yet have Polish documents entitling him to use the Polish health service, then he or she uses the possibility of all tests and the help of our doctors. In addition the Rotary Club Czestochowa has already shipped the next aid for Ukraine consisting of textiles and canned food worth about $11,300, and are working at two next deliveries: mobile diagnostic devices, mobile x-rays and consumable medical aid (gloves, antiseptics, dressings). The transportation and delivery have been donated by a local Polish company. |
Installation Banquet 2022-23The 45th Annual Installation Dinner and Awards Banquet was held on Jun 10, 2022 at Michaud’s Event Center. Master of Ceremonies for the evening was Kevin Lynch, who also provided some additional door prizes. Tom Laub provided the invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance. After dinner we started with a special presentation. Dan Cricks and Jim Kaminski presented a wedding gift to Chelsea and Josh. Chelsea had been our speaker at one of our meetings recently sharing her story of overcoming several challenges during her life, including some stories of her time in the Connections program. Outgoing president Colton Rompala provided an overview of his year which was a bit of a roller coaster rider coming out of the covid restrictions. Colton also presented the following awards:
Incoming President Ashley Gay then provided her vision for the coming year. Past District Governor John Reyes then inducted Ashley Gay, and the rest of the board for next year, as well as the foundation board. The Club Officers for next year are: President Ashley Gay, President-Elect John Turnbull, Vice President James Nixon, Secretary Rob Simon, Assistant Secretary Jerry Balint, Recording Secretary Joyce Reed, Treasurer Barb Stettnisch, Assistant Treasurer Dick Kiplinger, Sergeants-at-Arm Ken Dooner, Brian Krusz, and Kevin Lynch, and Past-President Colton Rompala. The Club Directors are Dan Cricks, Pat Greco, Bruce Kahn, Dave Riehl, Mary Kaminski, Kevin Kennedy and Rick Voigt. The Foundation Trustees for next year are: Bill DeMarco, Ray Longerich, Colton Rompala, Michelle Lynch, David Reed, Manjit Khuban, and Scott Maloney. Following the installation and five way test was a fun evening of fellowship and dancing. |
Connections ScholarshipsThe Rotary Club of Strongsville Gives $7,000 in Scholarships to Strongsville High StudentsSeven Students who are part of the Leadership-Connections Program at Strongsville High School were awarded $7,000 in scholarships. On Friday morning, May 6th students, along with teacher Mike Rodak, attended the weekly Rotary Meeting held at the Senior Center. All of the students did a great job handling the daunting task of standing in front of 75 people they’ve never met before for and giving a speech about themselves, their high school journey and the program. They definitely held the room as you could hear a pin drop during their presentations. The theme from all of them was about how being part of the leadership program had a positive impact on their high school years and what they plan to do after high school. Every year the Rotary Club of Strongsville hands out 5 scholarships to graduating seniors from the program. This year due to members of the club stepping up with additional donations the club was able to fund two additional scholarships. This is in addition to $16,000 in other scholarships the club hands out to Strongsville Students, not in the Leadership program. The club looks forward to hearing directly from the students every year, getting to see and meet the students they will be giving the scholarships to, some Rotarians even commenting “it’s our favorite meeting of the year”. |
Ukraine Relief FundThe Rotary Club of Strongsville Puts Boots & Life on the Ground to Help Ukrainians!Thanks to everyone in the community who donated to our fund, which has raised over $60,000 so far. Money has already been wired into Poland to assist there, and Pat and Brian are assessing further needs. Update from Brian: ![]() ![]() Our trip has been a very humbling experience thus far. It is overwhelming to see the look on the refugees’ faces: terrified, uncertain, fear, and the look of “what next” from the children. At our Rotary meeting in Częstochowa, we heard Alina’s story, a 13-year old Ukrainian refugee who escaped with her grandmother. (Pictured below) Alina and her grandmother walked for over 16 hours to get to safety in Poland. The Częstochowa Rotary group has taken her and other refugees into their care. Provided food, job, loving home and stability. The power of Rotary and the human heart is amazing! As we reflect on her story, We are so blessed to be in America. We should not take our liberties for granted. ![]() ![]() ![]() We continue on our way to provide goodwill. ![]() Thank you everyone for the overwhelming support and prayers. We could not do what we are doing without you all! God bless! ![]() ![]() |
Blood Drive - Thank You!![]() Our goal was to collect 36 units, and thanks to great support from our members, the Strongsville Post and the community we collected 47 units, which have the potential to save 141 lives, and reached 4 first time donors. Thanks to everyone who donated, and our Rotarians who helped sign people in, Neal Klabunde, Jay Dzurilla, Dave Riehl, Barry Kuzmickas and Melissa Krusz.
Connections Alumni LuncheonThe ![]()
Christmas for the Needy
![]() This year thanks to donations from the Senior Christmas Luncheon and Rotarians we were able to help needy families in Strongsville celebrate Christmas this year with a Christmas meal and toys for the children providing $75 gift cards for each of sixteen children in eight families. Every year the Rotary Club of Strongsville collects funds to make sure that those families most in need have a brighter Christmas. Any donations would be appreciated.
Blanket Collection for Mayfield KY![]() |
Salvation Army Bell Ringing![]() |
Election Results 2022-23Results of the election conducted Friday, December 10, 2021, for the Rotary Club of Strongsville for the upcoming Rotary year commencing July 1, 2022OfficersPresident – Ashley Gay President Elect – John Turnbull Vice President – James Nixon DirectorsDan Cricks – 2 Year Term 7/1/2022 to 6/30/2024 Pat Greco – 2 Year Term 7/1/2022 to 6/30/2024 Bruce Kahn – 2 Year Term 7/1/2022 to 6/30/2024 David Riehl – 1 Year Term 7/1/2022 to 6/30/2023 (to fulfill James Nixon remaining Director term due to being elected to VP) Alternate Directors in event of a vacancy (based on vote count):Jeff Ellis Eddy Bond OthersSecretary – Rob Simon Assistant Secretary – Jerry Balint Recording Secretary – Joyce Reed Treasurer – Barb Stettnisch Assistant Treasurer – Dick Kiplinger |
Strongsville Rotary Prize Vault![]() Marc’s, Lowe’s, Pettiti’s, Target, GetGo, Costco, Rosewood Grill, Sergeant Clean, Century Cycles, Panera Bread, Architectural Justice, Mulligan’s, Strongsville Spirit Shop, Olympia Sweets & Treats, Dunkin, Starbucks, Donut Scene, Fox & Tree Bakery, Wine Down & Sweets, Nothing Bundt Cakes, Bennett’s Pizza, Brew Garden, Square 22, Buffalo Wild Wings, Dairy Queen, Goldie’s Café, Slim & Chubby’s, J Bella, Shinto’s, Don’s Pomeroy House, Gran Fiesta, Mama Julianna’s, Aladdin’s, Gourme, Triv’s, Harvest Saloon, Local Bar, Sweet Mango, Allison’s Supermarket, Cinemark, OBM Arena, Dear Mama’s The drawing will be held on the evening of January 7th, and funds will support Rotary projects throughout the year. Buy your tickets online at |
Philippines Artesian Well Update![]() ![]() |
Connections ProgramThe Rotary Club of Strongsville supports the Connections program at the Strongsville High School. The May that include helping with a mulching project, supporting the awards banquet, and a trip to the zoo. Pictures below. Here is part of the address Mike Rodak made at the banquet: |
Strongsville Rotary Foundation Supports Boys Hope Girls HopeThe Strongsville Rotary Foundation approved a donation of $3,000 to Boys Hope Girls Hope Northeastern Ohio (BHGH) to assist with the purchase of an event tent that will serve as an outdoor learning and gathering space for programming. Throughout the pandemic, Boys Hope Girls Hope has worked hard to quickly adapt and innovate their programming to adjust to the needs of their Scholars, and the restrictions on out-of-school-time programming due to COVID-19. As they move to the next phase of the pandemic, they are pivoting their focus from their Scholars' and their families' emergency basic needs to the profound gaps that have emerged in both their learning as well as Impacts on their social emotional health. With appropriate precautions in place, BHGH were thrilled to recently resume full in-person after-school programming with 6th-12th grade-level cohorts staggered throughout the week. As BHGH plan for summer programming, when all the middle school Scholars are on campus daily for five weeks and the high school Scholars for an additional two weeks, the need for a covered outdoor learning space is evident. The addition of a large, sturdy event tent will provide the capacity needed to maintain social distancing during these weeks of intensive full-day programming. Furthermore, the tent will be used for additional programming throughout the spring, summer and fall, providing a safe gathering space for Scholars and staff. |
Middleburg Heights Fire Gear Donation![]() |
A Student In Need![]() This young lady has bounced back from several family challenges having to do with her parents and wants to graduate this year but has rent to pay and bills to pay so she has to work. |
Donation to Strongsville Firepup®Strongsville Fire & Emergency Services maintains a commitment to fire safety education with their Firepup® Program. The Strongsville Rotary Foundation is donating $600 to the program to distribute educational materials the cover a broad range of topics including general fire safety, burn prevention, dial 911, smoke alarms, senior safety, and many other topics for 300 children. |
Tower of Treasure![]() This is The Rotary Club of Strongsville’s new raffle basket concept “The Tower of Treasure!”Enter for the chance to win $2,021 of value to ring in the New Year of 2021! With $1,000 cash, and $1,021 of scratch off lottery tickets (51 $20 and 1 $1 ticket) you have the chance to win much more! We will be doing a weekend tour of the Tower through our local Strongsville businesses and businesses that have helped Rotary in the past. Please help us raise money for our community by purchasing a raffle ticket either $10 in person or $15 online! Ticket sales are now closed. January 8th, 2021 at 7:30pm via Facebook live Thank you all and good luck! |
Ben Curtis Golf ClassicThe Ben Curtis Foundation, one of the 2020 Chili Open Golf Classic beneficiaries, is hosting their annual golf event on August 7th at the Country Club of Hudson. If you are interested in participating in a fun day of golf, a clinic with Ben and dinner and awards, or sponsoring the event please visit
Happy Independence Day![]() |
Covid Relief DonationsThe Rotary Club of Strongsville in partnership with the Strongsville VFW provided donations to local Strongsville workers how had reduced hours due the lockdown, including workers at the Altenheim. Thank you to everyone who supported the fundraisers.
Rotary International ConventionThe 2020 Rotary Virtual ConventionRotary’s first online convention will be a great way to connect with members around the world. Now More Than Ever, Rotary Connects the World: The 2020 Rotary Virtual Convention is happening 20-26 June. You’ll find breakout sessions on new ways to engage members and be inspired by internationally known speakers during the general sessions. Several breakout sessions focus on engaging and attracting members. Plan to attend one or all of these:
International Service UpdateAn update on the progress our club is making in Honduras. Pat Greco will be going there this Saturday for 1 week and meeting with recipients of our financial support and others. As you know we have received a matching district grant and have furnished a computer lab at a girls school there. We also had a very nice plague made dedicating the computer lab to our own Bill Gordon. ![]() |
Taste In Strongsville Thank You!![]() We Are So Appreciative Of All Who Made The 1oth Annual Taste In Strongsville Possible AND Allow Us To Provide Much Needed Support To Several Local Food Banks!Thank You to all of our generous sponsors: We’ll start with AJ Pettiti and the Pettiti family for making their beautiful Garden Center in Strongsville available. There couldn’t be a better place or organization to work with, Thank You. To Our Sponsors:
Thanks To The Fabulous Restaurants who not only DONATED delicious food, but also their staff and time. |
Clothing Drive |
End Polio Now![]() |
Firefighter Gear![]() |
A Taste in StrongsvilleOn October 3, 2019 the Strongsville Rotary Foundation and The previous nine events sold out, so get your tickets today. Tickets and more information for the 2019 event We are pleased to have Chef Jonathon Sawyer of the Greenhouse Tavern (award winning restaurant) hosting the VIP lounge ($150 per ticket). Jonathon is the 2015 James Beard award winner of the Best Chef, Great Lakes. He is also the author of Noodle Kids and House of Vinegar. Come meet the award winning chef and author, Jonathon Sawyer! ![]()
Akron RubberDucks Outing![]() ![]() The weather was perfect, the company and fellowship greatly appreciated, and the entertainment provided at the ballpark unparalleled, concluding with fireworks, even if the Akron RubberDucks were nipped at the post by the Binghampton Rumble Ponies. Check out more photos from the game, or upload your own in the photo album.
Senior PicnicThe Rotary Club of Strongsville hosted the annual Rotary Senior Picnic at the Senior Center, which is followed by a concert from the Strongsville Community Band. Every year we grill and serve hot dogs and hamburgers to several hundred seniors in Strongsville, who greatly appreciate having a taste of summer. |
William D Gordon Computer Lab![]() The computer lab is named after Bill Gordon, a long time Strongsville Rotarian who, in keeping with this years Rotary Theme "Rotary Connects the World", started the process of connecting people that several years later got the project funded.
2020 Chili Open Charity ApplicationsThe application form for charities to benefit from the 2020 Chili Open Golf Classic are now available at The deadline for applications is August 31st. Every year approximately ten charities are chosen that serve a range of needs both locally and internationally. We encourage any charity to apply.
Strongsville Rotary Helping Foodbanks![]() As recently featured on Fox 8 Cleveland's Own the Rotary Club of Strongsville has a 40+ year history of serving the community, including the local food banks. In 2014 the Rotary spearheaded a project to build a new building for the Strongsville Food Bank after they lost their previous space. Since 2010 we have hosted the "Taste In Strongsville", one of the premiere events in Strongsville, every October at the Petitti Garden Centers in Strongsville, as well as monthly food drive projects. If you would like to be involved please donate, or follow our Facebook Page to stay up to date with our events and projects.
Proceeds of the Taste In Strongsville donatedRepresentatives of the Strongsville Food Bank, St Augustine Hunger Center, and the Rotary Clubs of Parma, Royalton/Broadview Heights, Berea and Brunswick visited our meeting to collect the proceeds of the Taste in Strongsville. $25,000 was donated to help feed those in need.
Community Partnership Leads to Classroom DonationsThe Rotary Club of Strongsville helps the Strongsville High School CBI Program get upgraded furniture for their classroom with the support of National Office.
Protecting Our ChildrenThe Rotary Club of Strongsville presents a FREE community forum about human trafficking to be held on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2018 Doors open 6:00pm – Program begins at 6:30pm Strongsville Middle School Auditorium 13200 Pearl Road, Strongsville Speakers include: Dave Frattare - Commander of the Ohio Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Carol Skutnik and Michael Sullivan - Assistant U.S. attorneys for the Northern District of Ohio Holly Welsh - Assistant prosecutor, Cuyahoga County Karen Walsh, CEO of the Collaborative A panel discussion with Q&A will follow the speakers presented by the Rotary Club of Strongsville in partnership with the Collaborative to End Human Trafficking, Strongsville City Schools, Strongsville Police & Fire Departments, Ohio Highway Patrol Please see the Facebook Event to register. Registration is optional, but will help ensure we have enough refreshments. REFRESHMENTS PROVIDED BY Aladdin’s Eatery, Chick-Fil-A, Giant Eagle-Market District, KONA Ice, Nothing Bundt Cakes The forum is free and all are invited. The information is targeted to parents and adolescents, but because of the mature subject matter, parents should use their discretion about bringing young children. |
Forum on Human TraffickingThe Rotary Club of Strongsville and the Cleveland based Collaborative to End Human Trafficking hosted a forum on November 14th to raise awareness of human trafficking in NEO. The forum was recorded, and you can watch the recording at
Strongsville Rotary Foundation WinnersThe Strongsville Rotary Foundation awarded $21,000.00 to thirteen students
Congratutions to all for their hard work. |
35 years of Rotary in StrongsvilleThe Rotary Club of Strongsville celebrated its 35th anniversary this week. You can view the 7 minute presentation below that shows some of the people and projects from the past 35 years.
Join us at the Chili Open Golf Classic and Celebrity Auction![]() Saturday, February 25, 2017
9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Cuyahoga County Fairgrounds
Invigorating. Insane. But it's a blast.
And it's all for charity.
Featuring winter golf, the 26th Annual Chili Open Golf Classic, hosted by the Rotary Club of Strongsville, is all about the kids this year.
Our six carefully selected Chili Open charity beneficiaries - Applewood Centers, Achievement Centers for Children, Hope for Honduran Children, Easter Seals Northern Ohio,
Strongsville Rotary Foundation Honors Kelly KlingThe Strongsville Rotary Foundation were honored to present the Harry Fuehrer Community Award to Kelly Kling, coordinator at the Strongsville Emergency Food Bank today who has done so much for the food bank and its clients. The Harry Fuehrer Community Award is presented each year to a deserving member of the Strongsville Community who has embodied the Rotary motto of "Service Above Self". It is named after Harry Fuehrer, the first president of the Rotary Club of Strongsville. ![]() |
Rotary Foundation ScholarshipsThe Strongsville Rotary Foundation is currently accepting applications for scholarships from Strongsville residents and Strongsville High Schools students that are high school seniors with at least a 3.0 GPA. The cover letter with full details, PDF Application and Word Application are available for download. |
Strongsville Rotary Duck Race & Kids Fest Video
Silent Night: Strongsville Rotary Senior Christmas Luncheon
Strongsville Rotary holds its annual Senior Christmas Luncheon with entertainment by Strongsville High School's Mustang Express.
Learn about Shelter Box on Rotary Radio![]() |
Dictionary Project![]() |
Strongsville Rotary presents $5,000 to VFWThe Strongsv View media coverage here from the Strongsville Patch and the Strongsville Sun Courier. The donation includes $2,500 raised at the foundation’s annual golf outing on August 12. The other half of the donation was a match by the foundation, a non-profit organization affiliated with the Rotary Club of Strongsville. Along with the donation to the VFW, proceeds from the golf outing will fund $17,000 in student scholarships next year. |
Food Bank project is underway.
For years,
![]() The Strongsville Rotary Club, with a $50,000 contribution from our Strongsville Rotary Foundation, is stepping up with plans to build a new Food Bank on city property behind the Strongsville Communications Center. The project will be the club's first major building project since we built Safety Town in 2006. The Food Bank Committee had its first meeting on Thursday, August 8. |
Savor the Flavor planning beginning to boil![]() |
Unite This City
Time running out for discount Bridgestone Invitational tickets![]() |
New year begins for Rotary |
Call for Harry Fuerher Award Nominations
The Strongsville Rotary Club and the Strongsville Rotary Foundation invite you to nominate a candidate for the Harry Fuehrer Award. The purpose of the award is to honor a citizen who lives, works or volunteers in Strongsville and has distinguished themselves thru community service benefiting the community of Strongsville. Download a nomination form here.
Meeting wrapup January 11, 2013![]()
Getting started. George Schindler got the shindig rolling with the Invocation.
Donation. The club’s Board of Directors, at its January 9 meeting, voted to contribute $1,000 to Dr. Art Basa’s annual medical mission to the Philippines. Booze needed. The club can never get enough booze, but this time it is needed for a Chili Open auction item. Jim Karecki asked club members to bring bottles of wine and liquor to load up a wheelbarrow to be auctioned off. Andy Motz reminded the club that more auction items are needed, and Mary Beth Whelan said only 73 raffle tickets for a trip to the Masters have been sold. 600 tickets are available. Val Tocci reminded everybody to sponsor a hole ($200) or a tee ($300) at the event. You can do that online at |
The Brick![]()
The Brick.
Invocation given by Dale Finley at the November 30 club meeting. A young and successful executive was traveling down a neighborhood street, going a bit too fast in his new Jaguar. He was watching for kids darting out from between parked cars and slowed down when he thought he saw something. As his car passed, no children appeared. Instead, a brick smashed into the Jags side door! He slammed on the brakes and backed the Jag back to the spot where the brick had been thrown. The angry driver then jumped out of the car, grabbed the nearest kid and pushed him up against a parked car shouting, “What was that all about and who are you? Just what the heck are you doing? That’s a new car and that brick you threw is going to cost a lot of money. Why did you do it?” |
Jim Tressel addresses Strongsville Rotary: Sun Star Coverage
Over his 25 year career as a head football coach, Jim Tressel had two quotes hanging in his coaching staff's room - one from Albert Einstein, and one from his father.
"Einstein's quote was this: 'Concern for man and his fate must be the chief interests of all technical endeavors. Never forget this in the midst of your diagrams and equations,'" Tressel told the Strongsville Rotary Club at its Nov. 2 meeting. |
Rotary wrap-up October 12 & 19, 2012
Blue badges. John Warfel and Angela Neal recieved their Blue Badges at the October 19 meeting. New member Dave Vespoli was inducted into the club on Friday, October 12.
25 Gs. Savor the Savor Chair Bartley James said the annual fundraising event raised revenues of about $25,000. The net proceeds from the event are expected to be about $16,000, he said. Proceeds from the event will go to food banks in Strongsville, Berea and North Royalton. |
Strongsville Rotary Foundation 101![]() |
Rotarian of the MonthVal Tocc Val was recognized for her work with new club members, including her monthly New Member Orientation meetings, where new members learn the secret club handshake. If you are a new member and you haven't received the secret handshake, please contact Val as soon as possible. |
Eat for the food bankL Next week you'll get another chance to help the Strongsville Food Bank by enjoying lunch at the Rosewood Grill. |
Club update - October 5, 2012![]()
Getting started. Ruth Grega gave the Invocation and led us in the Pledge of Allegiance to get the October 5 meeting underway. Guests included Andy Hire, director of the Strongsville High School orchestra, along with four talented string players. Superintendent John Krupinski also was on hand to pitch the district’s upcoming bond issue.
Clothes. Tom Snow saw his shadow and indicated that there would be two more weeks of Snow. Tom says we’re below the targeted collection volume for our annual clothing drive to benefit Lane Metropolitan Church, in Cleveland. The clothing drive was originally the idea of George Rogers and Bill Schaffran, back in 1903. (Photo above by Dan Sage and stolen from the Rotary Facebook page.) |
Wrap-up of the September 28 meeting of the Rotary Club of Strongsville: We had French fries for breakfast.
Meeting wrap-up: September 21,2012
Invocation. Carol Dombrose gave the Invocation and led us in the Pledge of Allegiance, to get the September 21, 2012 hootenanny rolling.
Get well. Bob Oswald was having is artificial knee replaced after incurring an infection. |
Giving Doll![]()
Jan Householder and her volunteer staff have comforted some 13,000 children who were seriously ill, and those whose dad or mom were being deployed for military duty.
Jan, founder of The Giving Doll, spoke to the club on September 21 about her Wadsworth-based organization. Jan, a retired home-ec teacher started making cloth dolls in 2006 for children at St. Jude's Children's Hospital, where the terminally ill 10-year-old daughter of a friend went for treatments in a research program. |
Run the club
Elections for officers and seats on the Strongsville Rotary Board of Directors are coming up in December. If you would like to put your hat in the ring to get more involved with club leadership, let President Manjit Khuban know, so he can put your name on the ballot.
In December, elections will be held for five of the seven seats on the Board of Directors. Those elected will serve a two-year term for the 2014 and 2015 Rotary years, beginning July 1, 2013. Elections also will be held for secretary, treasurer, second vice president and Duchess of Wales. If you want to be more involved in decision-making, you don't have to be invited. Only elected. |
Tressel to address club
Former O
![]() Other upcoming speakers include our own Rev. Ron Mowry, who will talk about the Strongsville Rotary Foundation on October 5. Brian Zimmerman, of the Cleveland Metroparks, will address the club on October 12. Mayor Tom Perciak will present his annual state of the city update to the club on October 19. Check the club's website for the roster of speakers for the rest of the year. That will help you to determine which weeks you can sleep in. |
Fun Run cancelled![]() The event this year raised a total of $15,266 in sponsorships and runner fees, with $5,300 in expenses, for revenues of $9,937. From the proceeds, a $3,000 donation was made to John Owens Adventure, a charity dedicated to finding a cure for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, a fatal progressive disorder that causes loss of muscle function and independence in children. “My stance is that we need to find an alternative event that is unique,” Manjit said. Board member Bartley James suggested a duck race, in which participants buy plastic ducks that are dumped in the river and race to the finish. The event could take place in the Metroparks. Board members emphasized that Nick Gerogosian did an outstanding job of organizing the event. |
Strongsville Rotary dishes out cash
The Strongsville Rotary Club Board of Directors approved almost $1,600 in donations at its monthly meeting on September 12. Recommended by First Vice President Brenda Jumpa, the following contributions were approved by the board:
* A $250 sponsorship of Strongsville's 15th annual Senior Olympics. * The placement of advertisements in the programs of productions presented by Strongsville Community Theatre. The group puts on three plays every year. Placement of ads in each of the three programs cost a total of $125. * A $400 sponsorship to send one financially disadvantaged eighth grade student on an annual class trip to Washington D.C. * A $317 scholarship for a student for the Seeds of Literacy Program, a free GED preparation program that utilizes more than 200 volunteer tutors to help students who didn't graduate from high school to obtain their General Educational Development (GED) diploma. * A contribution of $500 toward a community health improvement project through Etta Projects. Etta Projects partners with Bolivian communities to implement sustainable solutions to the challenges of poverty, while educating and inspiring North Americans to act for positive change.The organization was named for Etta Turner, a Rotary International exchange student who died November 25, 2002 in Bolivia along with six other Bolivians when their bus driver fell asleep and drove off a cliff. Rotary District 6630 is asking eight clubs to donate $500 each toward Etta Projects. |
Strongsville Rotary aims at youth involvement
Our club is working to help students while looking to encourage increased involvement in our related Rotaract and Interact Clubs.
Under the direction of Vocational Service and New Generations Director Paul Psota,the club is getting involved in the ASAP Program at Strongsville High School. So far, Paul has lined up 14 speakers who will talk to students in the ASAP program about various life topics. The goal is to get one or two speakers a month as well as to host a monthly lunch for the students. |
Rotary meeting wrap-up: August 31, 2012 |
Meeting wrapup: August 17, 2012 |
Article about the Connections Program
The Connections program at the Strongsville High School that Mike Rodak coordinates was featured in the Career Based Chronicle, and it talks about the mentoring program hosted at Angel House. You can read the article here.
Hear More about the Chili Open
Listen in as the Chili Open crew is interviewed on Wills & Snyder in the Morning WTAM 1100.
GSE Trip to India
The District 6630 GSE Team visiting India led by our own Carol Dombrose enjoying a game of "Pot" at the end of the day.
School supply drive![]() Our club's annual school supply drive for disadvantaged students is almost finished. Following is a list of school supplies being collected. Please bring your donations to one of the Friday meetings before August 15 so they are available at the start of the school year. The supplies will be delivered to each school in Strongsville. For more information, or contact Chuck Cury. |
Rotary notes, August 5, 2011![]()
Getting started. Kim Hollett gave an inspirational Invocation to start
the August 5 meeting. President Bruce Keenan led us the Pledge of
Bored meeting. The next meeting of the Strongsville Rotary Board of Directors will be held Wednesday, August 10, at 7:00 a.m. at the Senior Center. Members are encouraged to attend the meeting to get some behind the scenes perspective on how club decisions are made. New members are required to attend at least one of these things in order to get their Blue Badge. |
9 and Dine![]() Come and enjoy nine holes of golf and appetizers at Columbia Hills with your fellow Rotarians. Nine and Dine will be held Tuesday, August 16, at 3:00 p.m. $40 includes golf, cart and appetizers afterward. There also will be a cash bar. If you don't want to golf, you can show up at 6:00 for appetizers for $15. Reserve your tee time with Ross Thuener or Bob Cummins. Columbia Hills is located at 16200 East River Road, in Columbia Station. |
Rotary Golf Outing![]() Sponsors and door prizes are still needed for our 34th Annual Strongsville Rotary Foundation Golf Outing. This is a major fundraiser for the foundation. Proceeds fund student scholarships and other club projects. Hole sponsorships are only $100 per hole. Organizers would like all attendees to get a door prize/ |
Senior Picnic PhotosPhotos from the annual Strongsville Rotary senior picnic have been posted at our Facebook site. Thanks to Jay Dzurilla for taking these photos. |
Progress for Rotary's $200 million challenge for polio eradication![]()
June 7, 2011
As of 31 May, Rotarians have raised about $174.7 million for Rotary's $200 Million Challenge. These contributions will help Rotary raise $200 million to match $355 million in challenge grants received from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The resulting $555 million will directly support immunization campaigns in developing countries, where polio continues to infect and paralyze children, robbing them of their futures and compounding the hardships faced by their families. As long as polio threatens even one child anywhere in the world, children everywhere remain at risk. The stakes are that high.
More information:
June 10 meeting wrapup![]() Getting started. George Rogers
gave the Invocation and honored the veterans in our club to start the
June 10 meeting. President Jerry Balint led is the Pledge of
Allegience. (In the photo: District Gov. Elect Stephen Zabor) Guests. Our guests included Joy Schaeffer, the Strongsville High School student who won our club’s Four Way Test speech contest, then went on to win the District 6630 competition. Joy, who was joined by her father, Jonathan, paster of Grace Church, in Middleburg Heights, told the club about her upcoming mission this summer. Connor Roth, a student at Polaris Career Center and recipient of a Strongsville Rotary Foundation scholarship this year, also was among the attending students. Donna Kircher, Kohl’s supervisor who oversaw the store employees’ help at our Arbor Day event, also was in attendance. |
Strongsville Rotary Golf Outing![]()
The 34th Annual Strongsville Rotary Golf Outing, to benefit the Strongsville Rotary Foundation, will be held Thursday, August 25, at Fox Meadow, in Medina. Download the flier and registration form right here.
Joplin, Missouri relief fund![]()
The Rotary Club of Strongsville is going
to help those in need through local Rotary Clubs in Missouri, where a tornado struck last month.
Pita tent volunteers![]()
The Pita tent at the Strongsville Homecoming is a Rotary tradition.To sign up to enjoy commaraderie of fellow Rotarians at the Gyro and Chicken Pita Tent, between July 20 and July 23, contact Rick Voigt, at 216-389-2931.
Rotarians help kids celebrate Arbor Day![]() Our old friend Jennifer Milbrandt said more than 40 people, including many Rotarians, helped to prepare more than 550 trees for distribution to elementary school kids in recognition of Arbor Day. A special tree planting was planned today at Drake Elementary School. Bob Ciesick organized the tree preparation activity for Rotary. 550 saplings had to be placed in a plastic bag with soil and water for distribution to the kids. |
Charities get $36,000 from Chili Open![]() Representatives from 10 of the 12 charity beneficiaries of the 2011 Blaster Chili Open Golf Classic received checks for $3,000 each at the club's weekly breakfast meeting this morning. Dave Riehl, chairman of the event, said this year's Chili Open grossed more than $140,000 - the highest in the event's 20 year history. The intake was bolstered by raffling tickets to attend the 2011 Masters Golf Tournament, in Augusta, Ga. The fundraiser was organized by Mary Beth Whelan. After expenses, the event netted $96,000. |
Strongsville's Joy Schaeffer is district speech winner![]() Strongsville High School student Joy Schaeffer, winner of our club's annual Four-Way Test speech contest, took the District 6630 championship during last week's competition in Beechwood. First Prize will be $500. Joy, who spoke about the federal deficit, was scheduled to deliver her winning speech at the District Conference this weekend. The annual contest involves high school student who
recite persuasive arguments about topics of their choice, incorporating
Rotary's Four-Way Test of the things we say and do. |
Vocational Service![]()
Here's an addendum to the wrap-up of the club's January 7 meeting. The report about our Vocational Services efforts was deleted by Clubrunner too late Thursday night for me to rewrite it. Here's the rest of the story.
Vocational Service. The "program" portion of the meeting featured a look at the club's Vocational Service. Vocational Service is one of Rotary's four Avenues of Service, which are comprised of: |
My Rotary, My PassionFind out why Rotarians from NE Ohio are passionate about Rotary. If it sounds interesting to you are welcome to be a guest at one of our meetings Friday mornings at 7:15 at the Strongsville Senior Center, or contact us to learn more. |
This is Rotary District 6630This video provides a look inside the people, clubs and service of Rotary District 6630. We hope this video helps you discover the benefits of joining a Rotary Club. District 6630 is comprised of over 50 Rotary Clubs throughout in Northeast Ohio. Rotary is a volunteer organization of business and professional leaders united worldwide to provide humanitarian service to help build goodwill and peace.
Contact us, or come us a guest on Friday mornings to learn more. |
Food Bank Project News![]() The food bank project received press today on You can read the full article at the website. To find out more, or to donate, visit |
Foundation Golf Outing Pictures2013 Strongsville Rotary Foundation Golf Outing |
Chili Open Charity ApplicationsThe Chili Open is accepting applications from charities for funds from the 2014 Chili Open until August 31st. Please visit to download an application form. |
Bridgestone Invitational ResultsThank you to everyone who promoted and purchased tickets to the Bridgestone Invitational. While Tiger Woods won the tournament you helped The Strongsville Rotary Foundation and the projects it supports be winners by buying $2,020 in tickets, of which $1,515 went to the foundation. That's an 8.5% increase over last year, and we ranked 8th out of the 60 participating charities. |
Strongsville Rotary Foundation Golf OutingThe Strongsville Rotary Foundation is holding its 36th Annual Scholarship Golf outing at Weymouth Country Club on August 12th. All proceeds will benefit local high school students including the Connections group. Last year $19,000 went to the students. Sponsorship levels are $250 and $100. The sponsorship form is at Please help us make this year's event another success. |
Strongsville Duck Race![]() On June 1st the Rotary Club of Strongsville is hosting the Strongsville Rotary Duck Race in the Metroparks. With a Kidfest starting at 11am with the Cleveland Metroparks NatureTracks, Pony Rides, Food, Touch a Truck and more at the Cleveland Metroparks Chalet there will be plenty of fun, and the Duck Race with a grand prize of $2,000 starts at 2pm. To find out more, or to adopt a duck visit |
Thank You![]() |
Rotary Scholarships
Application forms for the Rotary Scholarship will be available from the Strongsville High School guidance office from Monday April 2, 2012.
Strongsville Rotary Golf Outing
The 35th Annual Strongsville Rotary Golf Outing, to benefit the Strongsville Rotary Foundation, will be held Monday, August 6, at Fox Meadow, in Medina. Download the flier and registration form right here.
The History of Rotary
February 23rd marks the anniversary of the first Rotary meeting in 1905. The 7 minute video below shows some of the highlights from Rotary's history.
Club social - May 10![]()
Welcoming Committee chair Ashley Gay announced a club social for our members, spouses, and prospective members on May 10th at 6:30 p.m. at the Strongsville Buffalo Wild Wings. We will be in the back room viewing the baseball game between the first place Cleveland Indians and the Tampa Bay Rays, while enjoying appetizers provided by the club. You gotta buy your own drinks.
Come and enjoy good company and the chance to show prospective members why our club is so wonderful! View the flier here. (If the game was against the Phillies, it would be a Philadelphia Flyer.) |
Installation Banquet - get your RSVP cards in![]()
Bruce Keenen will be installed as our new club president on Friday, June 3 at the annual Installation Banquet, at the Crown Plaza Hotel, in Middleburg Heights. Next year's officers and board of directors also will be officially sworn in.
Cocktails will be served beginning at 6:00 p.m., which is irrelevant since most members will arrive crocked. Dinner is at 7:00 p.m. following a lively program at 8:00. Wakeup call and dancing will begin at 9:00 p.m. The cost is $50 per person. All members are billed for their own ticket whether they come or not. Bring your wife. Bring your girlfriend. Bring them both! The Crown Plaza is located at 7230 Engle Road, Middleburg Heights, OH 44130. Incidently, this is where Amy and I had our wedding reception 25 years ago. This part is important - Get your RSVP and meal choices to Bruce ASAP - like at tomorrow's meeting, for example. |
Rotary notes![]()
* Food Bank Friday. Tomorrow's meeting, May 6, is the first in May. That means members should bring food to donate to the Strongsville Food Bank.
* Kevin Krencisz gave the Invocation to start the April 29 meeting of the Rotary Club of Strongsville. President Jerry Balint led the Pledge of Allegiance. * Volunteers are needed for the club's Fun Run fundraiser on Saturday, May 21. The "Predict your Time" 5K Run4Fun will benefit Boys Hope Girls Hope of Northeastern Ohio. Volunteer signup sheets are available on the tables at the club meetings. "Predict your Time" means you can be as slow as molasses and still win this thing. You predict how long it will take you to run the course - whoever finishes closest to their predicted time wins. Get more information at the Run4Fun website. Oh yeah, if you know any runners, tell them about this event. |
Club raises more than $9,000 for needy![]()
The Rotary Club of Strongsville raised more than $9,000 in cash and gift cards in it's annual Christmas for the Needy program. The proceeds went to 20 families, totaling 122 people, who were selected by the Strongsville Food Bank, Cassie Weber announced at the club's weekly meeting on December 17. $5,000 in cash was collected from club members who passed the hat at the club's weekly meetings on December 3 and 10. Walmart donated gift cards to the program.
February 11 Meeting![]()
Getting started. Bob Cummins gave the Invocation and President Jerry
Balint led us in the Pledge of Allegiance to get the February 11 meeting
Guests. Guests included Don Amato, father of Marc Amato; Councilman Ray Haseley and his wife, Tammy; Council President Mike Daymut. Student guests. ![]() |
Club celebrates 33rd year
This month marks the 33rd anniversary of the Rotary Club of Strongsville. In celebration, Missy, of the kitchen staff, loaded up each table with cupcakes.
The club was chartered by the Berea and Parma Rotary clubs, Dick Kiplinger said. Dick noted that four of the club's charter members are still with us: Dick, President Jerry Balint, Dr. Art Basa and Dr. Jeff Peacock. The first officers were Harry Fuehrer, president; Dick Lester, vice president; Ted Mayo, secretary; and Dick Kiplinger, treasurer. Larry Dunn was the sergeant at arms. The program from Charter Night, April 29, 1978, can be viewed here. |
Meeting Notes March 18![]()
Camp Cheerful. Jim Jumpa headed up an effort to build new office space at Camp Cheerful. A group of Rotarians donated 193 hours to complete the project.
Joy Schaeffer is Four Way Speech winner![]()
Strongsville High School student Joy Schaeffer was the winner of the club's annual Four-Way Test speech contest. She will compete in the District 6630 contest on April 23, in Beachwood. First Prize will be $500.
Chili Open |
ABC News: Rotary is aiming to eradicate polio |
Rotary to open NYSE trading for Polio Plus![]()
Rotary International will join vaccine-producer Sanofi Pasteur to ring
the trading bells at the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and four
financial markets in Europe on Feb. 23, to draw international attention
to Rotary's ongoing effort to eradicate the crippling disease polio.
Representatives of the two organizations will take part in stock
exchange ceremonies in New York City; Lisbon, Portugal; Amsterdam;
Brussels, Belgium; and Paris. Feb. 23 also is the 106th anniversary of
Rotary, a humanitarian service organization that has been working to
eradicate polio since 1988.
Polio: The Last Hurdle![]()
Watch "The Last Hurdle" video. A fter 20 years of hard work, Rotary and its partners are on the brink of eradicating this tenacious disease, but a strong push is needed now to root it out once and for all. It is a window of opportunity of historic proportions. Your contribution will help Rotary raise $200 million to match $355 million in challenge grants received from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The resulting $555 million will directly support immunization campaigns in developing countries, where polio continues to infect and paralyze children, robbing them of their futures and compounding the hardships faced by their families. As long as polio threatens even one child anywhere in the world, children everywhere remain at risk. The stakes are that high.
Changing teams![]() |
Sorry Bill Gordon!![]()
Put the tie back on the rack!
Reach within to embrace humanity
RI President-elect Kalyan Banerjee will ask Rotarians to Reach Within to
Embrace Humanity during the 2011-12 Rotary year.
January 7, 2011 meeting
Getting started. Bryan Regiec gave the invocation to start the club's January 7 meeting. President Jerry Balint led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and it was on.
Guests. Bea Hovanec introduced our guests, the members of the Strongsville High School Spanish Club, as well as Brenda Castelan, our foreign exchange student from Mexico. Joining us from the Spanish club were Robert Cook, Mary Hess, Amy McNelis and Melissa Petrick, along with their adviser, Mrs. Cynthia Sejka. |
Club elections![]()
Are we a red club or a blue club? Will the Hole and Tee Party influence the club's future direction? Club elections for the 2011-2012 Rotary year, beginning in July, will be held on December 10. If you are interested in serving on the club's board of directors, or getting in the queue to be the club president in a few years - talk to President Jerry Balint about getting on the ballot. I mean, how hard can it be?
Get to know Brenda![]()
The benefits of being a foreign exchange student is enhanced with each new experience and each new friend. Brenda Castelan, from Mexico, is making a very good transition to her new home with the Russ Smith family in Strongsville. She is
doing well in school and mixing with her host family and other
Wake up![]()
Cuyahoga County citizens: It's your responsibility to hold your public servants accountable, noted Frank Figliuzzi, Special Agent in Charge of the FBI's Cleveland Division.
Figliuzzi, who spoke at the club's October 22 meeting, hit the nail on the head when asked why the widespread corruption that has plagued the county wasn't detected until now. |
November 12 Meeting![]()
Getting started: Don Paroda started the November 12 meeting with a recognition of former Strongsville Rotarian Barb Nyegran, who passed on Nov. 6. Barb served
as director of the city's Senior Center from 1997-2006,
helped form the Strongsville Community Foundation and led the effort to
establish the Strongsville Backyard Preserve in 1999. She was honored as
"Rotarian of the Year" in 2001. After a moment of silence, John Turnbull gave the Invocation.
Wine, cheese, business and dancing
Mark your calendar for the following upcoming events:
* Dave Kolick announced the First Annual Wine and Culinary Delights event, to be held Thursday, November 18, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at Royal Park Wine in North Royalton.being the Thursday before Thanksgiving, Dave opined that this is an ideal opportunity to buy your holiday wines. The cost is $25 per person. For more information contact Dave or Jeanine Hammack. |
Feeding the hungry![]()
The feasting on the cuisine of 29 restaurants and the loosening of the belts that followed the club's Taste in Strongsville event on October 10 was for a good cause. At our next meeting, on November 29, checks for $2,500 each will be presented to the Strongsville Food Bank and Harvest for Hunger. The money was from the proceeds of the event.
Fairgrounds donation![]()
Strongsville Rotary Foundation President Bob Berendsen at the club's October 22 meeting presented a $4,500 donation to the Ron Trayte, properties director for the Cuyahoga County Fair Board. The donation will be used to refurbish the floor of the Arts and Crafts Building, also known as the Chili Open building.
Collection for our troops
In cooperation with the Young Conservative Club of Strongsville High School, Strongsville Rotarians are being asked to donate snack foods and health and wellness items for our troops stationed overseas. The drive is coordinated through the NASA Glenn Research Center's Veterans Awareness Committee, participating with the Northeast Ohio USO.
Band marching into Rotary![]()
Officers of the Strongsville High School Marching Mustangs joined us at our October 22 meeting. The 300-member band, led by Director Dave Harbart, along with Flag Advisor Terri Harbart, will be featured on New Year's Day at the Outback Bowl, in Tampa, Fla.
Get your Rotary apparel online.![]()
Club members can now purchase Rotary logo apparel on-line.
Rotarian Mike Rezac has created a link through his store, EmbroidMe, which provides a selection of clothing and accessories. Why not save the link to your 'favorites' for future use. |
Final push to end Polio![]()
As long as polio threatens even one child anywhere in the world, children everywhere remain at risk. The stakes are that high.
In honor of World Polio Day on Sunday, October 24, The Rotary Foundation is offering 2 for 1 recognition points for every online contribution of US$100 or more made to PolioPlus during October 18-24, 2010. |
September 24 wrapup![]()
Getting started. New member Brent Painter gave the invocation to get the September 24 meeting underway. As the flag was dragged in mid-phrase, President Gerald Balint led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Guests. Our guest students were members of the Strongsville High School Homecoming Court, with advisor Carol McKnight. The court included Sarah Gootee, Amy Donahoe, Divya Raj and Brianna Horn. Our exchange student, Brenda Castelan, of Mexico, updated the club about her week. |
Exchange student![]()
A message from Denny Daar regarding Brenda, our exchange student:
Our exchange student from Mexico, Brenda Castelan is making a very good transition to her new home in Strongsville. She is doing well in school and mixing with her host family and other students. |
September 17 wrap-up![]() |
Rerooted by Rotary![]()
How Rotarians helped postwar reconstruction through sustainable development on the eastern coast of Guatemala. View the video from Rotary International.
Join the Strongsville Rotary![]()
Over the years, Dale Finley, former mayor of Strongsville, contemplated joining a service club to "pay back" to his city.
"My horse shows and teaching skiing prohibited my joining because of the Friday meetings," Dale says. "But last year my schedule changed and allowed my membership. My question? What club? Over the years I watched different service clubs in Strongsville and how they contributed, how active they were in important programs, who were their members and how visable the club was because of their activities. It was no doubt, it was ROTARY! If you're thinking about joining a service club, look no further. You will not be disappointed by joining the Rotary Club of Strongsville. |
Strongsville Business Expo 9/6 update |
Member bio: Andy Motz![]()
Andy Motz was born on Father's Day, 1972, in Cincinnati and moved to Cleveland in 1997. He married Allison, a Strongsville Rotarian, in 2001, and has two daughters, 4 1/2 and 3, and a son, who is three months old. Among Andy's Rotarian activities, he chaired the Chili Open Golf Classic for three years. He received his Paul Harris fellowship in 2006 and his Harry Fuehrer fellowship in 2008.
A Taste in Strongsville - 9/6 update |
September 3 2010 wrapup![]()
Getting started. Andy Motz gave the Invocation and Madison Motz led us in the Pledge of Allegiance to start the September 3, 2010 meeting.
Guests. We were joined by Rear Admiral Wendi Carpenter (pictured with nemesis Lou Kaltenstein) and a contingent from the U.S. Navy. We also had prospective member Carlos Cruz on hand. He was a guest of Dr. Art Basa. Also joining was former member Rich Frank, of the Berea Children's Home, and a guest of Laurel Wirtanen-Siloy. Dave Rababy brought his brother along and Val Tocci introduced Jan Bain. Terry Brlas, new editor of the Strongsville Post, also joined us. Bienvenida. Brenda Amores Daiana Castelan, our exchange student from Mexico, has arrived and joined us for her first meeting, along with host dad Russ Smith. Lena Knight presented Brenda with a collection of gifts from club members. Brenda introduced herself and thanked the club for its welcome. |
Women only golf outing
Lifeworks of Southwest General will host a women-only golf outing on Friday, September 10, 2010, at 11:00 a.m. at Pine Brook Golf Club. For complete details, view the flier.
Don't be a Victim
Brenda Jumpa
said the club will host a "Don't be a Victim" event for women in
October at the Rec Center. The class will feature an FBI agent and is
open to women and teenage girls. Men might choose not to attend club
meetings in November.
For more information about this event, view or download the flier. |
New Member Bio: Dan Sage![]()
Aaron Daniel Rafael Sage was born in Loudonville, the canoe capital of Ohio and become an Eagle Scout. Dan's parents have always called him by his middle name and it stuck throughout his life.
Dan met his wife, Michelle, while they were students at Akron University. They will celebrate their 13th anniversary in November and have three kids, aged 11, 8 and 6. The youngest, a boy, is a lot like Dan, and therefore is likely to be trouble. In 1997, Dan and Michelle bought the insurance agency founded by Michelle's father. A key event in Dan's life was the day he resisted his usual temptation to removed his seat belt when he was out of his parents' sight. Moments later he crash his car into the woods, but was saved by his seat belt and by the grace of God. |
Meeting wrap-up, August 27![]()
Getting started. Cassie Weber gave the Invocation and President Jerry Balint led the Pledge of Allegiance to start the August 27 meeting.
Guests. We had prospective member Carlos Cruz on hand, introduced by Dr. Art Basa. Also joining us were Councilman Ray Haseley, Ben Stankewicz, assistant to Mayor Tom Perciak, and Brent Painter (in photo), Strongsville's manager of economic development, who also was our speaker. Past District Gov. Jack Young, of the Brunswick Rotary Club, was in attendance, and briefed the club about the Rotary's Shelter Box project. Thank you. Jerry shared a "thank you" from the Strongsville Food Bank for our latest food donation. Don't forget that next Friday is our monthly Food Friday. Bring food for the Food Bank. |
A Taste of Strongsville![]()
Tickets are now on sale for Rotary's A Taste of Strongsville, to be held October 10, 2010, at the Holiday Inn, Strongsville. Cost per ticket is $35; a table of 10 is $300. Each ticket enters you into the Grand Prize Raffle Drawing. Proceeds will go to the Hunger Task Force, Local Food Bank and other Rotary projects.
The event website is up and you can pay online. Go to |
Help promote Rotary via Facebook![]()
From Parker Pennington:
Help the Rotary find the spotlight in minutes through the social networking site, To sign up, go to the website. On the middle right side of the page, enter the information they ask for (i.e. email, name, etc). Then, once you finish with that, follow the instructions to set up your page. It is very simple and easy to navigate. |
A history of the wheel![]()
Does the Rotary wheel to the left look familiar? Probably not. But at one time it was the logo of our organization. Here's a look at the history of the familiar symbol of Rotary.
Club gives to 46 charities![]()
The Rotary Club of Strongsville contributed to 46 different charities during the 2009-2010 Rotary year, President Jerry Balint announced at the August 11 meeting of the board of directors. At the meeting, the board approved a $500 contribution to the Arts of Strongsville for that group's annual A Day at the Chalet free family arts festival at the Metroparks Chalet on Sunday, September 19.
Other announcements at the meeting included: |
Old man bio: Dave Kolick![]()
Dave Kolick has been a Rotarian since 1990 and served as club president in 1994-95 when the Strongsville Rotary Foundation was established. He continues to organize the annual Strongsville Rotary Golf Outing to benefit the foundation.
One of his Rotary highlights was attending an international convention in France. Dave has a son in Boston and another her in town. He also has a six-year-old granddaughter. |
Laurel Wirtanen-Siloy![]()
Laurel Wirtanen-Siloy was born in poverty-stricken Honduras during the revolution. Escaping the country with the help of a nun, she flew to the U.S. as a child. She attended Holy Name, then attended Ashland College with a major in political science and journalism.
Her plans to go to law school changed after she got a job at the Berea Childrens Home, where she found her passion. She serves as "big sister" to two youths at the home. She is married to Tom and has four dogs. She is a vegan who says she will eat fish when they grow out of the ground. |
Strongsville Business Expo![]()
Following up on the club's successful Business Expo last year, we will co-host the Strongsville Business Expo on October 28, 2010, at the Ehrnfelt Event Center. The event, will be hosted by Mayor Thomas Perciak and the Strongsville Department of Economic Development, and co-hosted by the Strongsville Rotary and the Strongsville Chamber of Commerce.
August 13, 2010 Meeting![]()
Getting started. Carol Dombrose gave the Invocation, and President Jerry Balint led us in the Pledge of Allegiance, to begin the August 13 meeting.
Thank you Walmart. Jennifer McCoy, manager of the Strongsville Walmart, presented the club with a check for $1,000 to sponsor the 20th annual Chili Open Golf Classic, the club's signature fundraising event. Once again, B'laster Chemical will be the title sponsor of the event, with a contribution of $16,000. (Photo: Liver recipient Bob Trask. By John Turnbull) |
Bad news in the polio fight
Polio has reappeared in a corner of the world that had not seen cases in
years — Tajikistan, the former Soviet republic — a chilling setback in
the two-decade campaign to purge a dreaded cause of childhood paralysis
from the planet.
From the Boston Globe... |
Rotary plans Haiti relief
More than six months after Haiti sustained a massive earthquake, Rotary
clubs and account holders of the Haiti Earthquake Relief Fund are
beginning to allocate resources to help rebuild schools, provide
prosthetics, and equip thousands with adequate shelter.
More information... |
HansonHouse Golf Outing
Turn your love of golf into a benefit for others. HansonHouse Traumatic
Brain Injury Clubhouse will host its eighth annual charity golf outing
and barbecue on Sunday, August 22, 2010, at Emerald Woods Golf Course,
in Columbia Station. The event is the major fundraiser for HansonHouse, a
non-profit organization developed by and for people with traumatic
brain injuries.
HansonHouse is headed up by our own Paul Richards and has been a Chili Open beneficiary. For more information, click here. |
New member bio: Cassie Weber![]()
Cassie Weber was born in Strongsville, down the street from Ken Dooner. She graduated from Holy Name High School and Mount Union College and has played the violin for 15 years.
Veteran bio: Joe Weber![]()
Longtime Rotarian Joe Weber is a lifelong resident of Strongsville. He grew up on what is now Westwood Road, but back then it was called Depot Street - better known as Weber Road, since his was the only family who lived there.
August 6 2010 meeting![]()
Getting started. Nelson Eubanks led the August 6 meeting off with the Invocation and President-Elect Bruce Keenan led up in the Pledge of Allegiance. Bruce mysteriously presided over the meeting while President Jerry Balint ate his eggs.
Guests. Included Robin Kammer, daughter of Rob, and Kevin Vazquez, a Strongsville High School freshman who is interested in being an outgoing exchange student. |
33rd Annual Strongsville Rotary Golf Outing![]()
The 33rd annual Strongsville Rotary Golf Outing will be held Thursday, August 26, at Shale Creek Golf Club, in Medina. Golfers, sponsors and door prizes are needed. The proceeds from the event benefit the Strongsville Rotary Foundation.
Wrap up from Rev. Ron![]()
The following was written by Rev. Ron Mowry, our immediate past president, and printed in the program of the 33rd annual Officers Installation Dinner.
July 2 wrap-up![]()
Getting Started. Laurel Wirtanen-Siloy offered the Invocation and President Jerry Balint, presiding over his first meeting, led the Pledge of Allegiance to get the July 2 meeting off and running.
Guests. We had'm. They included First Lady Pat Balint and new District 6630 Gov. Stew Buchanan. Thank you. Jerry received a note of thanks from Laurel for the Chili Open funds donation to the Berea Childrens Home. Ken Mehalko also thanked the club for its support of the Strongsville Community Band. Ken and the band then got the Independence Day weekend started Friday evening with a free concert at the Commons. Loras John Schissel, conductor of the Blossom Festival Band of the Cleveland Orchestra, was the guest conductor for Strongsville's finest group of musicians. |
What is Rotary?
District 6630 Gov. Stew Buchanan shared this "Rotary Minute" with the club at the July 2 meeting. VIEW VIDEO.
More Rotary videos can be viewed and shared at Rotary International's You Tube site. |
Kick Polio out of Africa
Rotary's promise to kick polio out of
Africa and the world took center stage as a football signed by Nobel
Peace Prize Laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu and dignitaries from more
than 20 African nations received a rousing welcome at the humanitarian
organization's annual convention, which was held in Montreal, June
Rick Voigt is Rotarian of the Decade![]()
Rick Voigt was named Rotarian of the Decade at the club's meeting on July 2. Rick, a past president who has headed up the building of Strongsville Safety Town and has played a lead role in the Chili Open, the Dictionary Project and numerous other projects, was presented with an award by Don Fernald, who was honored as the club's Rotarian of the Decade in 2000.
June 25 Wrapup
Getting started. Tom Snow gave the Invocation and President Ron Mowry led us in the Pledge of Allegiance to get the June 25 meeting rolling. It was Rev. Ron's last meeting at the helm.
Guests. They included Shannon Burns' new bride, Mary; Kathy Peterson's cousin Laurie; RYLA student Natalie Sabbath and her mom Norma, introduced by Ron Amato; Chris Kanieski, incoming president of the Medina cub, introduced by Denny Daar; and prospective member Cassie Webber, introduced by Matt Finkler. |
Golf tix to raise Rotary funds![]()
You can easily help raise funds for the Strongsville Rotary Foundation by promoting tickets to the PGA Bridgestone Invitational, August 3-8, at the Firestone Country Club, in Akron.
Our foundation will keep $26.25 of every $35 day ticket sold using a special promotional code. And the best part is you have to do hardly anything to make it happen. All the sales are done online, so all you have to do is get the word out through fliers, Facebook, Twitter and other vehicles of communication. The Bridgestone Invitational is part of the World Golf Championship and features the best golfers in the world. This is a world class golfing event and people are going to want to buy tickets anyhow - so they may as well buy them through us and support our work. Working with Tickets Fore Charity, Dan Cricks has arranged this powerful fundraising opportunity. When tickets to Bridgestone are purchased through Tickets Fore Charity, 100 percent of the $35 price goes to charity: 75 percent to Strongsville Rotary Foundation and 25 percent to The First Tee, a program that teaches young people life skills through golf. Here's how to buy tickets: Go to the Tickets Fore Charity web page to order, and be sure to type in the special Strongsville Rotary Foundation promotional code - BISXWU - so that we get credit for the sale. The TicketMaster service charge for this site is heavily discounted. Here's how you can help: 1. Post the Tickets Fore Charity link on your website, email it to people you know, post it on Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, etc., and mention what a great offer this is. For an example, check out the Strongsville Rotary Facebook page. Here is the link you can copy and paste: 2. Pass out the event fliers to businesses, golf courses and friends. The fliers all are available to DOWNLOAD AND PRINT on the Downloads section of our club website. Or you can click the links below: * Bridgestone Tickets Fore Charity Flier, Front page, PDF with active links * Bridgestone Tickets Fore Charity Flier, Back page, PDF with active links * Bridgestone Tickets Fore Charity Flier, Front and Back, PDF without active links For more information about this fundraiser, contact Dan Cricks, at 440.842.8938, or |
Rotary International Convention opens![]()
The Rotary flag ceremony kicked off the 2010 RI Convention at the
opening plenary session on Sunday, which featured an address by RI
President John Kenny. The ensemble vocalists of Celtic Thunder also
performed for the attendees.
View Kenny's address here. |
Melissa Gairing, a Strongsville High School student, told the club about some of her experiences in the district's RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) program. Melissa was sponsored by our club to participate in the program. She worked on projects like sending medical supplies to overseas countries and working on a "green plan" for the city of Cleveland.
Rotary picnic![]()
A club picnic will be held in Friday, June 25 at 5 p.m. Celebrity chefs are to report at 4:00 with their grilling tools. The club will supply burgers, hot dogs, condiments and paper products. You need to bring your own beverages.
In addition, members are asked to bring: |
Playhouse Square![]() |
Pita tent |
New Member Bio: Donna Galt![]()
Donna Galt joined our club in April. A native of Columbus, Ohio, she is a retired teacher whose first job was in the school that she attended as a kid. She later went overseas to teach American students on a base in Ethiopia, where she married an American serviceman.
End polio |
Altenheim hosts club meeting
Strongsville Rotarian and Altenheim CEO Paul Psota and his staff served a delicious breakfast and offered facility tours as Altenheim hosted the club's May 28 meeting.
Installation Banquet![]()
Almost 200 Strongsville Rotarians and guests are expected at the club's annual Installation Banquet, to be held Friday, June 4, at Carrie Cerino's Ristorante, 8922 Ridge Road, in North Royalton.
On with the shoe![]()
Next Friday, May 21, will be the final collection date for your gently worn shoes for the needy via the Soles 4 Souls program in cooperation with St. John Neumann Church. These will not be used as Filet of Sole at St. John's fish fries.
If you have shoes to donate, please tie them together and remove any gum or dog droppings from the bottom. If you have any questions, contact Kevin Krencisz. |
DARE to help![]()
Help is needed at the sixth and eighth grade DARE graduation dance parties, to be held Friday night, May 21 and 28. Rotarians have traditionally assisted by serving soft drinks at these events in support of drug-free kids and the Strongsville Police Department's DARE program run by our good friends Officer Don Poney and Sgt. Greg Madama.
Use Facebook to help kids![]()
Rotarians with FACEBOOK: As you know, we'll be holding our second annual Fun Run (or walk) to benefit Achievement Centers for Children (including Camp Cheerful) on Saturday, May 22, at Westfield SouthPark mall.
It is so simple. In just about five minutes of your time, you can promote this event to thousands of people if you have a Facebook, MySpace, Twitter or similar social marketing account. All you have to do is attach the following link to your account and let the networks do the rest: You can simple right-click the link, choose "copy link location", then paste it into Facebook. |
Chili Open video is up![]()
A promotional video for the Blaster Chili Open Golf Classic is posted at the Chili Open Web site at
New Member Bio:Ashley Gay![]()
New member Ashley Gay is the catering manager at Famous Dave's Barbecue in North Olmsted and a new homeowner in Strongsville. Five things you may not know about Ashley, but do now, are: She's a karaoke superstar; she's been bitten by a sea lion; she's a Christmas freak and has three full size live trees in her home; and he thinks Disney World is the most magical place on Earth. In the photo are Ashley and Club President Rev. Ron Mowry.
Jones Home baseball game![]()
Ed Bond is hosting his annual Jones Home Tribe game on Tuesday, June 29 at 7:05 when the Indians take on the Toronto Blue Jays.
Rotary open house at Columbia Hills![]()
Columbia Hills Country Club will host an open house for the Strongsville Rotary on Thursday, May 27, 2010, from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m.
Chili Open charities![]()
Four of the charity recipients of this year's Chili Open proceeds joined us at our April 16 meeting to tell us about their organizations.
Harry Fuehrer Award
Each year our club awards its Harry Fuehrer Award in honor of its first president, the late Harry M. Fuehrer. The award is presented to non-Rotarian community members who have made large contributions to Strongsville. Contact Jack Miaskowski for more information or to nominate somebody. Deadline is coming soon.
Volunteers needed![]()
Mark your calendars for two upcoming volunteer projects:
1. The annual Arbor Day distribution of seedlings to second graders; and 2. The annual spring cleanup at the Strongsville Historical Village |
New member bio: Jim Chandler![]()
Jim Chandler was born in New Jersey and moved around a lot. While living in Parma his next door neighbor was Greg Filo. Jim and his wife, Michelle, have two sons - one at Strongsville High School and one at Center Middle School. Jim works for First Merit Bank as a portfolio manager in the Wealth Management Division. He sings in an oldies group called The Old Kids.
New members join club![]()
Congratulations to Donna Galt, Nelson Eubanks and Dennis Drellshak. They are the latest members to join our club. District 6630 President Elect Stu Buchanan was on hand to help club President Elect Jerry Balint in swearing them in. Donna is sponsored by her son Damon. They are the first mother and son Strongsville Rotarians since George and Mary Rogers.
Strongsville Rotary April 16 meeting![]()
Parker Pennington got the April 16 meeting started with the Invocation and President Elect Jerry Balint, filling in for President Ron Mowry, led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Jerry said Father Bob Craig, off St. John Neumann |
New member bio: Margaret Skaer![]()
Margaret is a native of Michigan who says God is at the center of her life and that parenting is the hardest job there is.
Margaret recently moved to Strongsville for a life change and to focus on doing volunteer work. She enjoys shopping, water skiing and has found Ohioans to be extremely generous and friendly people, but terrible drivers. |
April 9 2010 meeting
Getting started: Ron Andres gave the invocation to open the Strongsville Rotary's April 9 meetings. President Rev. Ron Mowry led the club in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Guests included Dennis Drellishak, president and founder of Corporate Screening, Tom Osborn, Nelson Eubank of Cox Cable and Andrea McGee a 2009 Rotary Scholarship winner who is now attending Kent State university. Andrea was accompanied by her mother, Lori, and sister Allison. |
When you're ready to give up |
Fun Run
The second annual Strongsville Rotary Fun Run will be held Saturday, May 22, at 8:30 p.m. at Westfield South Park Mall. For details contact Ann Marie LaPorta and Dan Dreiling. This year's event will benefit Achievement Centers for Children, which operates Camp Cheerful here in Strongsville.
Get involved in club projects and activities![]()
If you have an idea for a club project, contact the appropriate members of the board of directors. Go to the board of director pages to find out whom to contact.
Rotary's commitment to Service Above Self is channeled through the Four Avenues of Service, which form the foundation of club activity. For an explanation of the Avenues of Service and the board members who are responsible for overseeing them, click here. Your benefits of membership multiply when you get involved. To find out how to get involved in the club's numerous community activities and social events, talk to your sponsor, and/or contact one of the board members to see where your help is needed. |
Charter Night program
The old-timers in particular might be interested in viewing the club's Charter Night program from April 28, 1978, the night the Rotary Club of Strongsville was created. The program, which lists charter members and other interesting information, can be found on the "Downloaded Files" box at the bottom right of the Home Page, or just click here.