February 11 Meeting
Posted by Ken McEntee
Getting started. Bob Cummins gave the Invocation and President Jerry
Balint led us in the Pledge of Allegiance to get the February 11 meeting
Guests. Guests included Don Amato, father of Marc Amato; Councilman Ray Haseley and his wife, Tammy; Council President Mike Daymut.
Student guests.
Joining us from Strongsville High School were the Art
Ambassadors and the National Art Honors Society, advised by Ellen
Goodworth and our old buddy Tonya Barba. Students in attendance were
Emmy Cohen, Gloria Collins, Michelle Janosky, Emily Kardamis, Danielle
Keating, Alexandra Long, Maia Matyas, Kaley McClure, Allison McGhee,
Jessica Reese, Emily Specht, Christina Thomas, Alicia Weninger and Emily
Guests. Guests included Don Amato, father of Marc Amato; Councilman Ray Haseley and his wife, Tammy; Council President Mike Daymut.
Student guests.

Foreign Exchange. If you are interested in hosting a foreign exhange student next year, you need to apply by March. See Denny Daar for more details. Denny says it's a great experience. Lena Knight encouraged all members to spend some time with our exchange student, Brenda Castelan, of Mexico, in order to give her an many cool experiences as possible before she goes home in July.
Bored meeting. President Jerry announced the following highlights from the monthly board meeting, held Wednesday, February 9:
* A $500 donation was approved to the Strongsville Education Foundation for its annual March Trivia Madness Contest. The club is putting together a team to participate in the annual event, which will be held Sunday, March 6, from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. at Strongsville High School. Six members are needed. Contact John Turnbull for more information.
* A donation of $250 was approved for the city's annual Breakfast with Easter Bunny. We help out every year serving breakfast to families and Jack Daniels to the rabbit.
* A donation of $209 to purchase an ad in the Fire Department's Fire Fighter Phil Magazine.
* A $1,000 purchase of a Shelter Box to serve a family of 10.
* A $500 donation to John Owens Adventure, a local charity for Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy.
* A $100 donation for a dental mission to the Philippines.
Membership moment. Brian Kiplinger reported that the club started the Rotary year in July with 144 members. With the addition of five new members to come on board next week, we'll be up to 153. That includes 18 new members and nine defectors. Val Tocci organizes monthly pre-induction meetings for new members and Ashley Gay organizes social activities, like last week's Welcoming Committee gathering at Palate Restaurant. The Welcoming Committee aims to entice young professionals to join the club. Val said a new member orientation will be held Wednesday, February 16, at 7:00 a.m. at the Recreation Center.
Multi Media Advertising. A new committee is working on a new multi-media exhibit to help promote the club at events like the Strongsville Business Expo, the District 6630 Convention and other venues. The committee is working with Ross Thuener's brother Joe, of Formatech, on the portable display. Committee members include Ashley Gay, Damon Galt, John Turnbull, Vice President Brian Kiplinger and probably somebody I am leaving out.
Masters. Mary Beth Whelan said 308 Masters raffle tickets have been sold. We will sell tickets at the Chili Open booth at the IX Center Golf Show this weekend. If any tickets are left they will be sold at the Chili Open. The winner of the drawing will get four passes to both Saturday and Sunday tournament play at this year's Masters Tournament at Augusta National and a private residence to accommodate four adults within walking distance of the grounds. Only 500 raffle tickets will be available and cost $100 each. Download the order form:
Half price Paul Harris. In honor of Rotary's birthday, on February 23, 2011, Chairman Stenhammar has approved The Rotary Foundation offering double Paul Harris Fellow (PHF) recognition credit for online contributions of US$100 or more to the Annual Programs Fund. The opportunity will be open to all Rotarians worldwide for the day of February 23, 2011. There is no specific time zone associated with this promotion, so Rotarians around the world can contribute whenever it is February 23 in their time zone. To be eligible for the double recognition credit, Rotarians must be registered in Rotary's secure Member Access section of www.rotary.org. As registration on Member Access can take up to 24 hours, it is important for Rotarians to register in advance if they wish to participate in this promotion. While the success of the October 18-24, 2010 online promotion for PolioPlus is the inspiration for this effort, there will be some slight differences for the February 23 promotion. Double PHF recognition credit will be provided to all online contributions of US$100 or more to APF-SHARE. Resulting Foundation Recognition Points (FRP), however, will not be subject to doubling.
Celebrity auction. Denny Daar has provided the schedule of appearance for the 2011 Blaster Chili Open Golf Classic:
10:00 - 11:00 AM Jim McIntyre News and Public Affairs Director, and Host of The Morning Show, WDOK 102.1FM, Bev DeWitt, Columnist for SunStar News & Gladiator's Mascot
11:00 AM - Noon Maureen Kyle, Feature Reporter, WKYC Channel 3, & Bill Wills, Host of the Wills & Snyder Show, WTAM 1100 AM
12:00 - 1:00 PM Jimmy Malone, Host, Lanigan & Malone Morning Show, WMJI 105.7 FM,
1:00 - 2:00 PM Tiffani Tucker, Anchor, Danielle Serino and Harry Boomer, Reporters WOIO TV Channel 19
2:00 - 3:00 PM Bruce Kalinowski, Meteorologist, & Betsy Kling, Meteorologist, WKYC TV Channel 3
3:00 - 4:00 PM Betsy Kling, Meteorologist, WKYC TV Channel 3, Mike Pagel, Former Cleveland Browns Quarterback & Eileen McShae, Cleveland TV Personality
Joizy Boys.Linda Plain announced that she has reserved a block of 60 tickets for the Sunday, July 17 playing of Jersey Boys, at Playhouse Square. The comfortable loge seats cost $92. To reserve your seats contact Linda. You must pay in advance - make your check payable to Linda Plain. Any tickets that are not sold within the next couple weeks will be returned to Playhouse Square for public sale. This has become an annual event for Rotarians - a play, followed by dinner in Little Italy. Kabeesh? By the way, the Million Dollar Quartet is coming to Playhouse Square. It will not be announced to the public until March 29. Ask Linda about additional details.
Youth Leadership.Bart James is looking for a coordinator for the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards program. The program includes a five-day conference for students. Bart also reminded the club to support the restaurants who participated in our Taste in Strongsville event in October. A list of supporting restaurants were on the table at the meeting, and also is available on the Taste in Strongsville website.
Golf Show. Help is needed at the club's booth at the Chili Open booth at the Greater Cleveland Golf Show, Friday, Febuary 18 to Sunday, February 20, at the IX Center. If you can help promote the Chili Open at the booth, contact Jack Miaskowski. The bad news is you have to pay $9 for parking unless you speed through the gate. Volunteering at this counts as a make-up meeting.
Chili Open Auction. We're up to $21,000 worth of auction items. There is still time to donate trips, golf items and marble busts of Rotarians. Also needed are wine and liquor to make up spirit packages.
Marc Amato. We passed the hat to raise bucks for a Chili Open memorial to Marc Amato and raised $425. With the donation we will place a memorial on each Chili Open golf course.
Bondball.Ed Bond announced his annual Rotary trip to the Indians game will take place July 6 against the New York Yankees. If you are interested in attending, contact Ed.Chili Open sponsors. Bob Cummins said sponsorships are now up to $34,550. The goal is $40,000.
Medical Mart. Dennis Madden, executive director of the Cleveland Medical Mart, said the project is well on the way, with 54 tenants committed to leasing space and 23 trade shows scheduled after the Medical Mart and Convention Center opens in 2013. Dennis said the $465 million, sales tax-funded project includes a 100,000 square foot Medical Mart, which will house permanent showroom space for medical equipment and technology suppliers; a 230,000 square foot general use Convention Center; a 60,000 square foot Conference Center; and a 32,000 square foot ballroom. The Medical Mart is operated by MMPI, the company that runs Chicago's Merchandise Mart.
Queen of Hearts. The Queen was worth $600 and the table ticket was worth $33. The winner drew a loser and the Queen lives.
Words of Wisdom (Golf Version).
A young man who was also an avid golfer found himself with a few hours to spare one afternoon. He figured if he hurried and played very fast, he could get in nine holes before he had to head home. Just as he was about to tee off an old gentleman shuffled onto the tee and asked if he could accompany the young man as he was golfing alone. Not being able to say no, he allowed the old gent to join him.
To his surprise the old man played fairly quickly. He didn't hit the ball far, but plodded along consistently and didn't waste much time. Finally, they reached the 9th fairway and the young man found himself with a tough shot. There was a large pine tree right in front of his ball - and directly between his ball and the green.
After several minutes of debating how to hit the shot the old man finally said, "You know, when I was your age I'd hit the ball right over that tree."
With that challenge placed before him, the youngster swung hard, hit the ball up, right smack into the top of the tree trunk and it thudded back on the ground not a foot from where it had originally lay.
The old man offered one more comment, "Of course, when I was your age that pine tree was only three feet tall."
"The secret of being boring is to say everything." - Voltaire
"No man is good enough to govern another man without that other's consent."
- Abraham Lincoln
Bored meeting. President Jerry announced the following highlights from the monthly board meeting, held Wednesday, February 9:
* A $500 donation was approved to the Strongsville Education Foundation for its annual March Trivia Madness Contest. The club is putting together a team to participate in the annual event, which will be held Sunday, March 6, from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. at Strongsville High School. Six members are needed. Contact John Turnbull for more information.
* A donation of $250 was approved for the city's annual Breakfast with Easter Bunny. We help out every year serving breakfast to families and Jack Daniels to the rabbit.
* A donation of $209 to purchase an ad in the Fire Department's Fire Fighter Phil Magazine.
* A $1,000 purchase of a Shelter Box to serve a family of 10.
* A $500 donation to John Owens Adventure, a local charity for Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy.
* A $100 donation for a dental mission to the Philippines.
Membership moment. Brian Kiplinger reported that the club started the Rotary year in July with 144 members. With the addition of five new members to come on board next week, we'll be up to 153. That includes 18 new members and nine defectors. Val Tocci organizes monthly pre-induction meetings for new members and Ashley Gay organizes social activities, like last week's Welcoming Committee gathering at Palate Restaurant. The Welcoming Committee aims to entice young professionals to join the club. Val said a new member orientation will be held Wednesday, February 16, at 7:00 a.m. at the Recreation Center.
Multi Media Advertising. A new committee is working on a new multi-media exhibit to help promote the club at events like the Strongsville Business Expo, the District 6630 Convention and other venues. The committee is working with Ross Thuener's brother Joe, of Formatech, on the portable display. Committee members include Ashley Gay, Damon Galt, John Turnbull, Vice President Brian Kiplinger and probably somebody I am leaving out.
Masters. Mary Beth Whelan said 308 Masters raffle tickets have been sold. We will sell tickets at the Chili Open booth at the IX Center Golf Show this weekend. If any tickets are left they will be sold at the Chili Open. The winner of the drawing will get four passes to both Saturday and Sunday tournament play at this year's Masters Tournament at Augusta National and a private residence to accommodate four adults within walking distance of the grounds. Only 500 raffle tickets will be available and cost $100 each. Download the order form:
Half price Paul Harris. In honor of Rotary's birthday, on February 23, 2011, Chairman Stenhammar has approved The Rotary Foundation offering double Paul Harris Fellow (PHF) recognition credit for online contributions of US$100 or more to the Annual Programs Fund. The opportunity will be open to all Rotarians worldwide for the day of February 23, 2011. There is no specific time zone associated with this promotion, so Rotarians around the world can contribute whenever it is February 23 in their time zone. To be eligible for the double recognition credit, Rotarians must be registered in Rotary's secure Member Access section of www.rotary.org. As registration on Member Access can take up to 24 hours, it is important for Rotarians to register in advance if they wish to participate in this promotion. While the success of the October 18-24, 2010 online promotion for PolioPlus is the inspiration for this effort, there will be some slight differences for the February 23 promotion. Double PHF recognition credit will be provided to all online contributions of US$100 or more to APF-SHARE. Resulting Foundation Recognition Points (FRP), however, will not be subject to doubling.
Celebrity auction. Denny Daar has provided the schedule of appearance for the 2011 Blaster Chili Open Golf Classic:
10:00 - 11:00 AM Jim McIntyre News and Public Affairs Director, and Host of The Morning Show, WDOK 102.1FM, Bev DeWitt, Columnist for SunStar News & Gladiator's Mascot
11:00 AM - Noon Maureen Kyle, Feature Reporter, WKYC Channel 3, & Bill Wills, Host of the Wills & Snyder Show, WTAM 1100 AM
12:00 - 1:00 PM Jimmy Malone, Host, Lanigan & Malone Morning Show, WMJI 105.7 FM,
1:00 - 2:00 PM Tiffani Tucker, Anchor, Danielle Serino and Harry Boomer, Reporters WOIO TV Channel 19
2:00 - 3:00 PM Bruce Kalinowski, Meteorologist, & Betsy Kling, Meteorologist, WKYC TV Channel 3
3:00 - 4:00 PM Betsy Kling, Meteorologist, WKYC TV Channel 3, Mike Pagel, Former Cleveland Browns Quarterback & Eileen McShae, Cleveland TV Personality
Joizy Boys.Linda Plain announced that she has reserved a block of 60 tickets for the Sunday, July 17 playing of Jersey Boys, at Playhouse Square. The comfortable loge seats cost $92. To reserve your seats contact Linda. You must pay in advance - make your check payable to Linda Plain. Any tickets that are not sold within the next couple weeks will be returned to Playhouse Square for public sale. This has become an annual event for Rotarians - a play, followed by dinner in Little Italy. Kabeesh? By the way, the Million Dollar Quartet is coming to Playhouse Square. It will not be announced to the public until March 29. Ask Linda about additional details.
Youth Leadership.Bart James is looking for a coordinator for the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards program. The program includes a five-day conference for students. Bart also reminded the club to support the restaurants who participated in our Taste in Strongsville event in October. A list of supporting restaurants were on the table at the meeting, and also is available on the Taste in Strongsville website.
Golf Show. Help is needed at the club's booth at the Chili Open booth at the Greater Cleveland Golf Show, Friday, Febuary 18 to Sunday, February 20, at the IX Center. If you can help promote the Chili Open at the booth, contact Jack Miaskowski. The bad news is you have to pay $9 for parking unless you speed through the gate. Volunteering at this counts as a make-up meeting.
Chili Open Auction. We're up to $21,000 worth of auction items. There is still time to donate trips, golf items and marble busts of Rotarians. Also needed are wine and liquor to make up spirit packages.
Marc Amato. We passed the hat to raise bucks for a Chili Open memorial to Marc Amato and raised $425. With the donation we will place a memorial on each Chili Open golf course.
Bondball.Ed Bond announced his annual Rotary trip to the Indians game will take place July 6 against the New York Yankees. If you are interested in attending, contact Ed.Chili Open sponsors. Bob Cummins said sponsorships are now up to $34,550. The goal is $40,000.
Medical Mart. Dennis Madden, executive director of the Cleveland Medical Mart, said the project is well on the way, with 54 tenants committed to leasing space and 23 trade shows scheduled after the Medical Mart and Convention Center opens in 2013. Dennis said the $465 million, sales tax-funded project includes a 100,000 square foot Medical Mart, which will house permanent showroom space for medical equipment and technology suppliers; a 230,000 square foot general use Convention Center; a 60,000 square foot Conference Center; and a 32,000 square foot ballroom. The Medical Mart is operated by MMPI, the company that runs Chicago's Merchandise Mart.
Queen of Hearts. The Queen was worth $600 and the table ticket was worth $33. The winner drew a loser and the Queen lives.
Words of Wisdom (Golf Version).
A young man who was also an avid golfer found himself with a few hours to spare one afternoon. He figured if he hurried and played very fast, he could get in nine holes before he had to head home. Just as he was about to tee off an old gentleman shuffled onto the tee and asked if he could accompany the young man as he was golfing alone. Not being able to say no, he allowed the old gent to join him.
To his surprise the old man played fairly quickly. He didn't hit the ball far, but plodded along consistently and didn't waste much time. Finally, they reached the 9th fairway and the young man found himself with a tough shot. There was a large pine tree right in front of his ball - and directly between his ball and the green.
After several minutes of debating how to hit the shot the old man finally said, "You know, when I was your age I'd hit the ball right over that tree."
With that challenge placed before him, the youngster swung hard, hit the ball up, right smack into the top of the tree trunk and it thudded back on the ground not a foot from where it had originally lay.
The old man offered one more comment, "Of course, when I was your age that pine tree was only three feet tall."
"The secret of being boring is to say everything." - Voltaire
"No man is good enough to govern another man without that other's consent."
- Abraham Lincoln