A message from Denny Daar regarding Brenda, our exchange student:

Our exchange student from Mexico, Brenda Castelan is making a very good transition to her new home in Strongsville. She is doing well in school and mixing with her host family and other students.
Each Friday, we learn a little bit more about Brenda, but it is only a snippet of who she is, and does not offer a chance for her to get to know you. I encourage you to invite Brenda to an upcoming family activity, or a dinner, movie, ball game, theater, playing cards (no gambling Jerry), museum trip or to share a particular hobby.
To make plans to take Brenda out, please call her Host Parents Russ Smith and  Dr. Stephanie Sedlon at 440-846-8831, or Russ's cell phone at 440-846-8791. You need to contact one of the Host Parents prior to asking Brenda. This will avoid scheduling conflicts for them, Brenda and you. Their address is 9898 Lakeview Circle (Off of Webster on the north end of Strongsville).
Brenda will be staying here through the first school semester. Then she will be staying with Larry and Alice Frawley. If you have any questions about Brenda, or being a Host Parent for 2011/2012 please contact Lena Knight or me.